Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any courses that detail for me how Teachinguide works and help me earn more money?
Yes! Of course!! Check out the course links
How is Teachinguide different that Udemy’s Marketplace Insights?
Udemy marketplace insights is a very weak course research tool. Udemy insights aim to give you some course research that won’t be too competitive against other and not too detailed. Teachinguide gives you all the information from the beginning, trend information, ranking analytics, competitor tracking and so much more. Online course research for real Udemy course ideas is only possible with Teachinguide.
Which languages are supported?
Right now the Teachinguide App and ist GUI is in English only. However, we support all Udemy languages in terms of courses. You can filter on language in all course related content and see all courses from all languages.
Can I easily upgrade from one plan to the other?
Absolutely. You can upgrade from our FREE or START subscription any time to a more advanced plan. Of course, you can downgrade as well but you probably don't want to.
Is there a free trial?
YES! Now Teachinguide offers a 7 day free trial for instructors in addition to a 30-day money back guarantee. If you decide the service is not right for you within the first 30 days we will give you a refund. Simply email us to
What kind of payments are accepted?
Right now we use braintree as the primary payment provider. This way we you can pay with any common credit card or even with PayPal. If you need other means of paying, please let us know.
Can I use the teachinguide app on my iPad or samrtphone?
Absolutely. We have build the website for desktops, tablets or mobiles. You can also switch back to desktop view on your mobile for more details.
How often is the data being updated?
Data recency is one of the critical success factors. In general, we are updating all the data at least once a week for the research app. Our instructor specific dashboards however are updated on a daily basis (at least). That includes your course data, coupons, reviews and keyword rankings.
Is Udemy course creation not really hard?
Become a Udemy instructor and start to create a course online! Udemy course creation is easy, but it takes planning and effort on your side. We can guide you through the process, connect to successful Udemy Instructors and have tons of resources on course creation. Just ask.
How do you identify my instructor profile?
In our app onboarding process you will be asked to map your Udemy instructor profile. This way we know which data to get and update on a daily basis.
When I signup, do you have my historic course data?
No, we will fetch your currently published courses and start collecting data for them on a daily basis. However, our research database probably already has weekly data on all your courses so some metrics are available from the beginning.
Understand, that it takes a few days to have reliable daily data in your dashboards. Up to 2000 reviews per course will be loaded initially when starting the first time.
Do you earn money from Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Pluralsight or any simlialr education library?
No. We are an independent data analytics and reporting platform. Our earnings are solely based on licensing of data and reporting to you.